
Capture Perfect Health

A very easy to read guide book on many topics of natural health and healing. This is a series of articles that were published in the national newspaper "The Philippine Daily Inquirer" in 1995. Recent events led the author Ma. Elizabeth Micaller, PhD, ND, NMD, CCII to reprint the book and it has been used by many Iridollogist as a beginning guide for their many clients in leading them to a healthy lifestyle.

Moving From Illness To Wellness

Ma. Elizabeth Micaller PhD, ND, NMD, CCII. - Just because sickness happens to everyone else doesn't mean it has to happen to you. This is a summary of 30 years study of the seven reasons of why people get sick physically and it gives a comprehensive summary of what you should do to move from your current state of illness to the desired state of wellness. Find out the cause of your sickness and activate your body’s own healing system rather than relying on medication to mask the symptoms

• Pinpoint where your chronic illnesses come from and eliminate these sources

• Restore balance back to your body

• Achieve lifelong health

Understand the 7 CAUSES of ILLNESS that make you sick, you can create an environment in which you can feel fully healthy, fully engaged and fully active. Avoid chronic symptoms that so many misinterpret as inevitable parts of aging. Discover the 4 R’s of WELLNESS and learn how to care for yourself and make your body function at its highest level.

Comprehensive Iridology

Ma. Elizabeth Micaller, PhD, ND, NMD, CCII. - This is a very detailed and comprehensive manual on all the topics required by IIPA for both Levels I and II. It is the product of 22 years research and analysis from many irises and books. It expanded the basic manual given to IIPA students and the various insights and even shortcuts to make learning the science easily are included. It will show you the history, the anatomy of the eye, the two main principles of Iridollogy, the European way of reading the iris plus numerous other details which will make the beginner well rounded in this science. It has adequate photographs and one of the latest charts to use as a guide in the analysis of the iris. It also has numerous nutritional recommendations including an easy to follow guide by system. This is a welcome addition to your library of Iridollogy reference books.

Emotional Iridology And The Mind - Body Connection

Ma. Elizabeth Micaller PhD, ND, NMD, CCII. - Extensive studies of the iris have proven the relationship of various emotions to the different organs of the body. This is a very detailed book on the explanation of why the mind really controls the body and that all ailments emanate from the mind first before it is felt by the body. The books explores the workings of the brain, the definition of an emotion and the body-mind connection in detail, after which a summary of emotions are linked to the various organs as seen in the iris. It also incorporates various modalities that one can implement for the various emotions that show up as the cause of disease in the body. This book is a useful guide in bringing out the underlying cause of the ailment and it includes a physical-emotional chart as the back cover. A handy tool for the complete Iridollogist.

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